Sunday, July 17, 2016

Rome wasn’t built in a day…neither was Ostia Antica - July 6, 2016

Not too far away from Rome (distance-wise, not traffic-wise) is Ostia Antica.  It was a big deal of a port in the 2nd century with about 50,000 residents.   We visited the ruins as a group and it was very interesting…very old…and very hot.

Once again, I think the people that created these old cities were much more coordinated than I am because the steps and roads were very uneven. I’m assuming that some of that was due to being a couple thousand years old but I know I have a HUGE appreciation for the standardization of steps and handrails these days.   Woohoo!  Go modern steps and handrails!

Some of the highlights of the tour were the amphitheater, the ruins of a townhouse, and a bathroom.

While the amphitheater made me thinks of all the performances that might have taken place there, and the townhouse made it possible to imagine what daily life might have been like, it was the bathroom that really stuck with me.

The bathrooms were the big gathering place and where people conducted business while doing…their business.  Basically there was a rectangular room with a bench around three sides of it and numerous holes for the people to use.   I mean, seriously, what?!?!  What if the last meal didn’t quite agree with you when you went to use the facilities?  What if you had IBS?  What if you were suffering from a severe gas problem that day?  So many questions…  But really, would you seriously get invited over for dinner that night if they heard some of the intestinal issues you may be having?  Or, perhaps all the issues that I’m concerned about weren’t problems back then.  Or, or, perhaps there were private toilets where you dealt with real visit to the bathroom and then you went to the public toilets later just for show (you know, like in the comedies where people eat food before going on a date so they don’t look like they’re eating too much.)    I guess it is just one more thing to add to possible “scary bathroom dreams” that we all sometimes have.  What?  You mean that isn’t something that everyone has nightmares about???  Uh, me neither.

At least you know that Ostia Antica made an impression on me, right?  ;)

Random observations…
-It’s been easy to figure out what to have for dinner since I have only found Italian restaurants around.  At least it makes it easy to prepare my taste buds for what they will be experiencing.
-Tour buses have a difficult time in the narrow streets of Rome.  The cars/trucks don’t particular care for waiting for the bus to load/unload.  Our bus eventually had us meet it on a wider nearby street.

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