Thursday, June 28, 2007

Getting ready to go

Well, it has been a crazy couple of months since finding out I was going to India. All the trip information started coming at the beginning of April which started the excitement of preparing for the trip. There are 3 other people in the DC area that are on the trip as well and the 4 of us were able to meet last week to get our visas approved. It was nice to know a few people before joining the rest of the team (16 of us total) of educators in Chicago this week.

Orientation week has been wonderful - great presenters and a lot of new knowledge. The other educators are all fabulous with incredible backgrounds and experience. We head to the airport in a couple of hours to catch our direct flight (14 hrs and 55 mins) to India. Woohoo!

Here is the group prior to leaving Chicago. Can't you just feel the excitement in the air? =)